Le Diamant - Martinique, French West Indies for 1200 P.E.

One stage of reed beds fed with raw sewage assures primary and secondary treatment for 1200 People Equivalent, followed by a trickling filter for polishing and nitrification. A tertiary UV treatment enables a pathogens removal by 4 U log.

Additional Info

  • In operation since: 2014
  • Type of wastewater treated: Domestic
  • Hydraulic load: 180 m³/day
  • Organic load (PE): 1200 PE
  • Organic design load (kg BOD/day): 72
  • Location: Le Diamant, Martinique
  • Client: SICSM Rivière Salée
  • Stage 1 type: French system
  • Stage 1 surface area (m²): 718
  • Stage 2 type: Other
  • Stage 2 surface area (m²): 117
  • Needs:

    Efficient and sustainable solution adapted to local climate to treat domestic sewage from 1200 people equivalent.

  • Solution:

    One stage of vertical flow reed beds assures primary and secondary treatment of raw domestic sewage (French system), followed by a trickling filter for polishing and nitrification. A UV tertiary treatment enables a 4U-log pathogens removal.

  • Benefits:

    A cost-effective solution well integrated into the landscape and adapted to tropical climate and using local resources. Outlet quality guarantee : BOD5 20 mg/l, COD 125 mg/l, SS 30 mg/l, TKN 8 mg/l. Design : Epur Nature. Established : 2014.

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