Taverne in de Goeien Tijd, Brecht

Wetland treating restaurant wastewater in Belgium

The system consists of a vertical flow part with recirculation and filled with gravel, followed by a horizontal sub-surface flow gravelbed.

Additional Info

  • In operation since: 1999-05-13
  • Type of wastewater treated: Domestic
  • Type of wastewater (other): restaurant
  • Hydraulic load: 20 m³/day
  • Organic load (PE): 150 PE
  • Location: Brecht, Belgium
  • Client: Taverne In de Goeien Tijd
  • Stage 1 type: Vertical flow, non-saturated
  • Stage 1 surface area (m²): 65
  • Stage 2 type: Horizontal sub-surface flow
  • Stage 2 surface area (m²): 175
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