Les Breviaires, La Grange du Bois


Beautiful two stage French system treating the wastewater of a hamlet in the outskirts of Paris

Municipality «  LES BREVIAIRES »  Hamlet  « La Grange du Bois », Yvelines (78)

Wastewater treatment plant for 150 p.e., domestic sewage, separative sewerage system, constructed in 1994

Designed by SINT/SINBIO

“French sytem” treating raw unsettled sewage in a 2 stage vertical flow reed bed filter

1st stage 150 m² (3*50 m²), fed directly by pumping station after coarse, manual screening onlyn

2nd stage 225 m² (3 * 50 m²), fed by a siphon installed inside the drainage layer of stage 1.

Additional Info

  • Type of wastewater treated: Domestic
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