Fontenoy la Joute

A vertical flow reed bed (French system) and a vegetated polishing zone (surface flow wetland)  treating 117m3/d of domestic effluent from a village with variable population

In operation since: 2012  Designed by SINBIO

Type of wastewater treated : Domestic

Hydraulic load: 117 m3/d

Organic load (PE): 350 PE

Organic design load (kg BOD/day): 21

Location : Fontenoy la Joute, Meurthe et Moselle, FRANCE

Client : Municipality of Fontenoy la Joute

Stage 1 type : Vertical flow reed bed system (French system)

Stage 1 surface area (m²): 542

Stage 2 type: Vegetated polishing zone

Stage 2 surface area (m²): 850 m²

Cost : 220,000.00 €


Fontenoy la Joute is a small municipality located in east of France. Currently 310 resident are living there but with an important part of day-trip visitors. Indeed, the municipality is well kwon for its cultural activity of book sales that can generate 10 000 visitors per year (from spring to autumn).


Sinbio’s target was to design a waste water treatment system capable to treat permanent and punctual population with low cost of construction and maintenance.

The choice was made to design a French system reed bed filter that doesn’t need primary treatment. Sludge is filtered on the surface of the beds where it is slowly composting.

A vegetated polishing zone was also created on 850m² in the low-lying area before disposal to the river. This land treatment gives an added value for water treatment and biodiversity at a very low price (5% of the project). The inflow is done in a drain trench and then spread on the land by overflow.

Three drain trenches are established perpendicularly to the stream to avoid any preferential flow. A variety of wetland vegetation has been planted.

This concept of reed bed filters coupled to a vegetated polishing zone allows to obtain a high rate of pollutant elimination and a gain for biodiversity and landscape.


Additional Info

  • Type of wastewater treated: Domestic
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