
Hollange : a 432 m², vertical flow reed bed (French system) plus a 288 m² second stage unsaturated vertical flow filter, and a 1200 m² vegetated polishing zone treating 102 m3/d of domestic effluent.

Additional Info

In operation since: 2011

Type of wastewater treated: Domestic

Hydraulic load: 102 m3/d

Organic load (PE): 250 PE

Organic design load (kg BOD/day): 14

Location: Hollange, Belgium

Client: Société publique de gestion de l’eau (S.P.G.E.) (Belgique)

Stage 1 type: Vertical flow reed bed system (French system)

Stage 1 surface area (m²): 432

Stage 2 type: Vertical flow, unsaturated

Stage 2 surface area (m²): 288 m²

Stage 3 type: Vegetated polishing zone

Stage 3 surface area (m²): 1200 m²

Cost: 455,000.00 €

Designed by SINBIO



The project was to create a reed bed filter (2 stages and a vegetated polishing zone) to protect a very sensitive environment (NATURA 2000 - The Pearl mussel).



Two stage reed bed filters, fed by pumping (first stage) and gravity flow siphon (second stage). There is no primary treatment; the raw, only coarse screened sewage is fed directly on the first stage beds. A stromwater overflow has been created upstream of the pumping station towards the Vegetated Polishing Zone to minimize rainwater impact to the environment.



This solution allows for a high quality treatment of water, in compliance with European legislation and allows a good protection of The Pearl Mussel in this NATURA 2000 area.


Additional Info

  • Hydraulic load: m³/day
  • Organic load (PE): PE
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