Pouembout (New Calédonia)

Pouembout : a 250 p.e. reed bed filter was created to replace a deficient waste stabilization pond.

Additional Info

In operation since: 2008

Type of wastewater treated : Domestic

Hydraulic load: 70 m3/d

Organic load (PE): 250 PE

Organic design load (kg BOD/day): 14

Location : New Caledonia

Client : Town of Pouembout

Stage 1 type : Vertical flow reed bed system (French system)

Stage 1 surface area (m²): 190

Stage 2 type: Horizontal flow, saturated

Stage 2 surface area (m²): 375

Stage 3 type: infiltration basin

Cost: 129,000.00 €

Designed by SINBIO



It was needed to create a new treatment plan with a high pathogen elimination (bathing downstream in the river) in order to replace two deficient waste stabilization ponds.



Two stage reed bed filters (vertical and horizontal), fed by pumping and gravity, plus an infiltration basin.  There is no primary treatment; the raw, only coarse screened sewage is fed directly on the first stage beds with storage with storage of filtered dried and mineralized solids on the surface of the beds for at least 10 years.



The plant allows for a high level of treatment and protects bathing in the river from contamination.

Additional Info

  • Hydraulic load: m³/day
  • Organic load (PE): PE
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