A vertical flow reed bed (French system) and a vegetated polishing zone (surface flow wetland)  treating 117m3/d of domestic effluent from a village with variable population

Aerated wetland for a hotel in Antwerp, Belgium

  • Adapted „French system“ for a nursing home, Hogar de Ancianos Sta. Ana y San Joaquín y Asociación Ayuda Me Perú
  • All treated wastewater is reused for irrigation of agricultural used area
  • The 2 staged wetland system treats the domestic effluent of 55 residents and employees
  • The pre-treatment is carried out on the surface of an planted, vertical flowed gravel bed wetland with 2 charging points, used alternately (2 and 2 days)
  • The post-treatment is carried out in an planted vertical flowed sand bed wetland with 4 divisions to maintain always the biologically activity in all parts of the wetland

Design, Construction and Operation and mantainmance by Rotaria del Perú, online monitoring by SCADAweb

Balhall: A two stage, 185 m2,Aerated saturated vertical flow reed bed system treating 5 m3/d of settled, secondary sewage.

Intensified (aerated) wetland for wastewater treatment of 800 employees at the administrative center of a mining company, situated near Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Conception: 2 Septic Tanks for pre-treatment, aerated wetland as main treatment and horizontal flow constructed wetland post treatment.  

Wetland project and execution by Rotária do Brasil, Landscaping only execution by Rotária do Brasil.


Recirculated vertical flow French system for 800 p.e. with polishing in a "natural" horizontal flow wetland 

The two stage reed bed system at Aumont (500 PE), in the French Jura mountains meets stringent discharge standards in phosphorous removal through a third stage filtration with reactive media

Resolis: Two 200m2 horizontal subsurface flow wetlands operated in paralell treating 10m3/d of secondary sewage.

2-stage vertical flow reed bed filter treating raw domestic sewage (French system) with a capacity of 650 P.E. Treated effluent goes through a filtering ditch and is rejected into the river Bourdic.

Saint Sulpice la Foret : a 1000 PE waste stabilization pond boosted to 1950 PE by addition of reed bed filters. A 2,400 m², vertical flow reed bed (French system), a 1,950 m² second stage vertical flow, unsaturated plus a 10,000 m² of willow plantation and a 5,000 m² pond treating 400 m3/d of domestic effluent.

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