Albondon (600 PE) : the first "French system" in Spain, designed and build in 2005 by AKUT and SINT treats the waste water of a town in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada

Saint Germain sur Ille : a 500 PE waste stabilization pond boosted to 900 PE by addition of reed bed filters with high standards for phosphorus and total nitrogen removal.

Bauduen : a 2-stage Vertical FLow  reed bed filter (French Design) for the treatment of domestic effluent from a village with variable population. A UV tertiary treatment ensures pathogens removal for protection of the bathing area in the lake downstream.

Large treatment wetland in the northwest of France, near the city of Le Mans,  treating 4000 PE and also large amounts of storm and drainage water. Zero surface water discharge in summer. 

Resolis: Two 200m2 horizontal subsurface flow wetlands operated in paralell treating 10m3/d of secondary sewage.

At Escurolles, in central France (Allier), a reed bed fed with raw sewage assures primary and secondary treatment for 705 PE , followed by a tricking filter for polishing and nitrification 

Aerated wetland at nursery home in Belgium

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