Bezannes : a 8000 m² artificial pond plus 3500 m² of reed bed filters and 1600 m² of wetlands were created to treat stormwater runoff from a large non-residential area.

Client: Høje-Taastrup Municipality

Location:Kallerup, Denmark

Established: 1996

Number of basins: 2

Sludge type: Activated sludge

Sludge volume: 240 tonnes DS/year

PE, amount: 9,000


Septage treatment plant of Nègrepelisse with reed bed filters and reuse of the treated leachates to irrigate a Short Rotation Coppice. Capacity : 3500 septic tanks or 11000 m3/year equivalent to 131 T of SS/year. Designed and built by Epur Natur.

1,2 ha system treating the effluent of an activated sludge system for treament of the liquid fraction of swine manure.

Two constructed wetlands at Warsco Genk treat the run-off from 1 ha pavement and the cleaning water from a washing street for temporary units.

Saint Sulpice la Foret : a 1000 PE waste stabilization pond boosted to 1950 PE by addition of reed bed filters. A 2,400 m², vertical flow reed bed (French system), a 1,950 m² second stage vertical flow, unsaturated plus a 10,000 m² of willow plantation and a 5,000 m² pond treating 400 m3/d of domestic effluent.

Yaxley: A three stage system comprising lagoon with floating reed beds, surface flow horizontal and sub surface flow horizontal to treat 170 m3/d of vegetable wash water.

A ten years old system treating the wastewater produced by a winery in Central Italy. Cecchi is a famous wine producer in Italy and the production is certified ISO14001; all the wastewater produced by the "bottling department", located in Castellina in Chianti, Province of Siena, is appropriately treated before to be discharged in a nearby stream by a multistage constructed wetland.