This wetland was built for groundwater remediation on the site of a former oil refinery at the State University of New York's Wellsville campus 2008

A 11000 m2 artificial pond and 2600 m2 reed bed filters were created for the storage and treatment of stormwater and runoff from Servier pharmaceutical Laboratories site in Gidy. Designed to be able to treat once-a-century rainfall. Capacity : 12000 m3. Design : Epur Nature. Established : 2014.

1,2 ha system treating the effluent of an activated sludge system for treament of the liquid fraction of swine manure.

Septage treatment plant of Nègrepelisse with reed bed filters and reuse of the treated leachates to irrigate a Short Rotation Coppice. Capacity : 3500 septic tanks or 11000 m3/year equivalent to 131 T of SS/year. Designed and built by Epur Natur.

Wetland to treat run-off from deicing operations contaminated with high concentrations of glycol compounds and capable of handling peak flows and loading from winter storms.

Client: Nakskov Municipality

Location: Nakskov, Denmark

Established: 1990

Number of basins: 10

Sludge type:Activated sludge

Sludge volume: 870 DS/year

PE, amount: 33,000

Compact reed bed filter to treat raw unsettled domestic sewage (French system). Capacity : 315 people equivalent. Design and build : Epur Nature -2014.

French VF+ HF + FWS treatment plant for treating the wastewater produced by the winery

In 2001, IRIDRA managed the design of a constructed wetlands system for the wine-producing firm “Tenuta dell’Ornellaia”, Leghorn, Italy. The system consists of vertical flow constructed wetlands (SFS-v) as a first stage followed by a second SFS-h stage with recirculation to the first stage and then by a single FWS. It treats wastewater from the firm, which allows water to be reused for irrigation

Pouembout : a 250 p.e. reed bed filter was created to replace a deficient waste stabilization pond.