Bezannes : a 8000 m² artificial pond plus 3500 m² of reed bed filters and 1600 m² of wetlands were created to treat stormwater runoff from a large non-residential area.

Saint Bonnet le Froid : a 900 m², vertical flow reed bed (French system) plus a 600 m² second stage unsaturated vertical flow red bed for the treatment of  domestic effluent from a village with variable population.

Corsendonk Featured

Aerated wetland at hotel/conference center.

Client: Northumbrian Water
Location: Hanningfield, UK
Established: 2012
Project period: 2010-2012
Number of basins: 16
Sludge type: Water works sludge
Sludge production: 1,275 tonnes DS/year
PE, amount: 1.5 - 2.0 million
Construction costs: approxiamtely 6 million £

Bobbingworth: A 560m2, surface flow reed bed treating 30m3/d of iron loaded landfill leachate 

One stage of reed beds fed with raw sewage assures primary and secondary treatment for 1200 People Equivalent, followed by a trickling filter for polishing and nitrification. A tertiary UV treatment enables a pathogens removal by 4 U log.

Allenwiller : a 1700 m², vertical flow reed bed (French system) plus a 960 m² second stage unsaturated vertical flow reed bed filter, treating 495 m3/d of domestic effluent from three villages (1100 PE) in Alsace.

Client: Simrishamn Municipality

Location:Simrishamn, Sweden

Established: 1998

Number of basins: 8

Sludge type: Activated sludge

Sludge volume per year: 450

PE, amount: 25,000

Wetland to treat run-off from deicing operations contaminated with high concentrations of glycol compounds and capable of handling peak flows and loading from winter storms.

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